故事将离开维多利亚时代的伦 敦,改为以新角色及新故事讲述1938年的洛杉矶,这个时间当地融入了墨西哥裔美国人,而剧中会以真实历史为佐料下描述各超自然角色之间的冲突及联系。
Lola may be Daphné's sister, but the two girls couldn't be more different. If Daphne is naturally optimistic, joyful and ingenuous, Lola drags a darkness and a permanent unhappiness. This is one of the reasons why Daphne never spoke about her ... And then, a family drama will turn the existence of the two sisters upside down. Lola, isolated and self-destructive, completely lose herself. She will have to learn to open up to others: Eliott, Maya and La Mif, the newcomers, but also of course the gang and the crew.