主演:弗雷德里克·马奇,伊夫琳·维纳布尔,盖伊·斯坦丁,凯瑟琳·亚历山大,吉尔·帕特里克,凯瑟琳·霍华德,肯特·泰勒,亨利·崔佛斯,G·P·亨特利,莫洛尼·奥尔森,赫克托·萨尔诺,菲利普斯·斯莫利,Helen Westley,Anna De Linsky,Otto Hoffman,Frank Yaconelli
简介:Because I could not stop for Death, he kindly stopped for me; the carriage held but just ourselves and immortality” – Emily Dickinson  If Death took a holiday, the guns would go silent in Iraq, the slaughter on our nation’s highways would cease, and the news media would be compelled to cover positive events in the humanities, arts, and sciences. Unfortunately, Death has not had a vacation in recorded history, but Mitchell Leisen’s 1934 fantasy, Death Takes a Holiday, allows us to consider the possibility. Co-written by Maxwell Anderson and Gladys Lehman and based on the play La Morte in Vacanza by Alberto Casella, Death Takes a Holiday stars Frederic March as the Grim Reaper who takes on human form in an attempt to discover why men fear him so much. Why he has waited 5,000 years to satisfy this curiosity is not explained.  [Spoiler] After a brief tryout as a shadowy figure who scares the daylights out of those that cross his path, Death shows up at, of all places, an upscale party at an Italian villa, posing as the mysterious Prince Sirki. Only one person knows who he really is, the host Duke Lambert (Guy Standing), and he is sworn to secrecy. Sirki proceeds to fascinate the guests. Given to bursts of wit and poetry, he can just as quickly turn sullen and threatening, and some soon find out that it is better not to look too deeply into his eyes. During the three days in which the Prince is at the villa, however, people all over the world miraculously escape death and potential suicides are doomed to frustration.  To see what’s behind all the conversation about love, the suave but naïve Prince Sirki falls for the irresistible Grazia (Evelyn Venable), the daughter of one of Duke’s friends. Grazia knows who Death is but does not fear him, much to the chagrin of her fiancé, Corrado (Kent Taylor) who has developed a strong disdain for Prince Charming.  More sinister than Brad Pitt in the 1998 remake Meet Joe Black, March turns in a very convincing performance as the creepy yet strangely appealing guest. Although the ending is melodramatic, the emotions are very real and the suggestion that Death may in reality be a friend disguised as a foe is quite touching.  (Howard Schumann, talkingpix.co.uk)  In this wearisome and predictable plot line, Death falls in love and bores us to death talking about it.  (Dennis Schwartz, homepages.sover.net)  I've heard DRACULA was advertised with the tag line The Weirdest Love Story ever told! (this is probably a paraphrase), but at heart, I've never felt that you could honestly call that movie a love story. The tag line would be much more appropriate for this one, since it ultimately boils down to what amounts to a love story. This movie is very good indeed, particularly if you consider that it is built around a concept that could have easily been handled in a cute or facile manner. Instead, it is handled as seriously as possible, with some real thought put into how death would try to come to terms with a life and an outlook that was to that point totally unfamiliar to him; much of the credit does go to Fredric March in the title role. It's quite scary when it needs to be, particularly during the first twenty minutes. From then on, it deals with its themes with subtlety, a quiet wit, an enduring sadness, and an everpresent tension on how Death might react if crossed. It's not perfect; some of the dialogue is self-conscious and artificial, as if the writers knew they were dealing with weighty issues and were trying to be profound. But I am certainly glad they didn't try to turn it into a musical comedy of sorts.  (Dave Sindelar, scifilm.org)  See also the remake Death Takes A Holiday (1971)
主演:弗雷德里克·马奇,伊夫琳·维纳布尔,盖伊·斯坦丁,凯瑟琳·亚历山大,吉尔·帕特里克,凯瑟琳·霍华德,肯特·泰勒,亨利·崔佛斯,G·P·亨特利,莫洛尼·奥尔森,赫克托·萨尔诺,菲利普斯·斯莫利,Helen Westley,Anna De Linsky,Otto Hoffman,Frank Yaconelli
简介:后羿跟随猎门弟子一次狩猎石龙的过程中,因狂妄自大擅自行动导致石龙恶变造成九日同天的劫难,后羿受不了父亲因自己而死的事实选择避世三井村,终日浑浑噩噩借酒浇愁。未婚妻嫦娥不顾师傅的反对陪在后羿身边日日加以鼓励却不奏效。新任猎门门主蓬蒙在玄空大法师的帮助下找到射日神弓欲在三星汇聚之日射下八个太阳为自己扬名,玄空大师堪破蓬蒙邪恶心思,在蓬蒙强行迎娶嫦娥之日,后羿大闹婚礼,获悉了后羿才是那个拥有天龙脉,拉得开神弓之人,于是主动帮助后羿唤醒射日神功的力量,恢复了右臂之力。嫦娥以身犯险帮助后羿突破自我,本想以玄空大师江湖令胁迫蓬蒙交出神弓,蓬蒙却早有准备,将计就计将神弓主动奉上,实则早已在神弓上做了手脚。后羿在三星汇聚之日开启神弓,却中了幻粉产生幻觉, 神弓失控造成生灵涂炭。 后羿再次怀疑自己,分外沮丧。蓬蒙名正言顺以后羿射日不利为由要回神弓,玄空大师与嫦娥等人明晰一切都是蓬蒙暗中算计,并将事实告知后羿,后羿最终克服自我障碍,并顿悟神力本在内心,而非神弓,用普通弓弩便连射三日,而蓬蒙为激发神力被邪术反噬而死。后羿眼见便要成功,石龙异变,嫦娥为后羿争取时间,牺牲自我催化冰月之力钳制石龙,后羿最终制服石龙,连射八日,而嫦娥与后羿最终天人永隔,不复相见。
主演:杰瑞德·莱托,萨拉·波莉,黛安·克鲁格,范林丹,瑞斯·伊凡斯,娜塔莎·里特,托比·瑞格波,朱诺·坦普尔,克莱尔·斯通,阿兰·柯德勒,丹尼尔·梅斯,迈克尔·莱利,帕斯卡·杜奎奈,托马斯·伯恩,Catherine Demaiffe,哈罗德·曼宁,Anders Morris
简介:在2092年的未来,火星已成了地球人热衷的度假胜地。118岁高龄的尼莫·诺巴蒂(杰瑞德·莱托 Jared Leto 饰)是最后一位仍会死亡的自然人。记忆混乱的他在一次次的催眠及采访之中不断回忆自己的童年,却在每个人生分岔点都衍生出完全不同的人生。在这些不同的版本中,有母亲(娜塔莎·雷托 Natasha Little 饰)和父亲(瑞斯·伊凡斯 Rhys Ifans 饰)离婚后再婚而变成了尼莫“妹妹”的安娜(黛安·克鲁格 Diane Kruger 饰),有身患抑郁症婚后情绪不稳的埃莉斯(萨拉·波莉 Sarah Polley 饰),还有与他育有三名子女的亚洲女孩吉恩(范林丹 Linh Dan Pham 饰)。交织在宇宙大爆炸理论、超弦理论和时间特性的解释中,尼莫的人生真相究竟为何呢?  本片获2009年威尼斯电影节金狮奖提名,并获虚构类最佳传记电影奖和Golden Osella最佳技术贡献奖。
主演:杰瑞德·莱托,萨拉·波莉,黛安·克鲁格,范林丹,瑞斯·伊凡斯,娜塔莎·里特,托比·瑞格波,朱诺·坦普尔,克莱尔·斯通,阿兰·柯德勒,丹尼尔·梅斯,迈克尔·莱利,帕斯卡·杜奎奈,托马斯·伯恩,Catherine Demaiffe,哈罗德·曼宁,Anders Morris
主演:道格拉斯·范朋克,辛兹·爱德华,查尔斯·贝尔彻,上山草人,黄柳霜,布兰登·赫斯特,诺贝·约翰逊,尤金·杰克逊,玛蒂尔德·科蒙,小杰西·拉斯基,大卫·夏普,Sam Baker,Jesse Fuller,Sadakichi Hartmann,朱兰·约翰斯顿,Etta Lee,Paul Malvern,Scotty Mattraw,K. Nambu,Charles Stevens,Winter Blossom
简介:To win the hand of the caliph of Bagdad’s daughter (played by Julanne Johnston), a thief (Fairbanks) embarks on a dangerous and mystical journey to secure the most desirable treasure imaginable.  The film was a popular success, and Fairbanks made women swoon as one of the screen’s first superstars. Known for his dashing demeanour and incredible stunts, Fairbanks, who would also routinely contribute to the scripts of his films under the pseudonym Elton Thomas, actually created the story for this version of The Thief of Bagdad and included types of special effects and production design never previously seen by audiences. The film was remade several times, of which the most notable is the 1940 British film directed by Ludwig Berger, Michael Powell, and Tim Whelan.
主演:道格拉斯·范朋克,辛兹·爱德华,查尔斯·贝尔彻,上山草人,黄柳霜,布兰登·赫斯特,诺贝·约翰逊,尤金·杰克逊,玛蒂尔德·科蒙,小杰西·拉斯基,大卫·夏普,Sam Baker,Jesse Fuller,Sadakichi Hartmann,朱兰·约翰斯顿,Etta Lee,Paul Malvern,Scotty Mattraw,K. Nambu,Charles Stevens,Winter Blossom